Aviation Services

Papilio offers several aircraft and aviation services to owners and operators of aircraft and associated services such as private charter flight brokers. We can assist with the planning and execution of importing an aircraft into the European Union taking into consideration customs formalities, custom duty considerations and VAT formalities. It is important that owners and operators understand the importation requirements and process as failure to do could be a costly exercise. It is also important to understand the clear difference between an aircraft that is used for private use and enjoyment as opposed to an aircraft that is used to transport international passengers, as each will have their different regulatory and legislative requirements.

We are also able to assist private charter flight brokers in setting up an international business that allows for tax efficiencies in income tax and indirect taxation.

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If you would like to discuss your situation and feel we can assist with the importation of aircraft or setting up an aviation services business, please contact us. Contact us today to arrange a consultation to discuss your aircraft and aviation requirements.

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